The Herb Garden



Mediterranean herbs grow best with full exposure to the elements, on rocky, mineral soil with good drainage in full sun.

SIZE OF BED: 1m x 2.5m

Planting Scheme Bundle – Including layout and plan drawings, and all necessary plants.


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Plants Included

Artemisia dracunculus Thueringen x1

Rosmarinus Blaulippe x1

Foeniculum vulgare Atropurpureum x1

Salvia officinalis Berggarten x1

Hyssopus officinale ssp. aristatus x1

Myrrhis odorata x2

Satureja montana Aromakugel x1

Satureja spicigera x2

Thymus vulgaris Compactus x2

Origanum Hot & Spicy x2

Lavandula angustifolia Woodbrook x2

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